

Informative and Educational

Raw Products supports…

Displacement Solutions

Displacement Solutions works with climate displaced persons, communities, governments and the UN to find rights-based land solutions to climate displacement. Displacement Solutions also works to empower displaced people and refugees to exercise their right to return and have restored to them their original homes, lands and properties through reliance on the right to restitution.


DS works together with and on behalf of people who have been displaced not only by conflict, forced eviction or other human rights abuses, but also natural disaster, climate change or other circumstances beyond their control. DS assists in finding alternative solutions such as compensation or relocation if this is their wish.

Rainforest rescue

Rainforest Rescue has been protecting and restoring rainforests in Australia and internationally since 1998. We do this by purchasing and protecting the biodiversity of high conservation value rainforest, and by re-establishing rainforest through planting, maintenance and restoration.


Rainforests support around 50% of the land-based species of plants and animals on Earth. Beautiful, dynamic, and structurally complex, these forests are essential contributors to global ecology and represent millions of years of evolution.


The rainforests are disappearing with 65,000 hectares cleared or significantly degraded every single day. Imagine the world without them and all their species. Plant a tree and help the rainforests grow.


Population movement caused by climate change

David Attenborough speaks about population displacement.


Climate change will result in a massive movement of people inside countries and across borders, creating “hotspots” where tens of millions pour into already crowded slums, according to the World Bank. The first report on the subject has found more than 140 million people in just three regions of the developing world are likely to migrate within their native countries between now and 2050.


The World Bank examined three regions, which between them account for 55% of the developing world’s population. In sub-Saharan Africa, 86 million are expected to be internally displaced over the period; in south Asia, about 40 million; and in Latin America, 17 million.

Plastic Free July

Our oceans were once clean, now they’re choking on plastic.


Plastic Free July aims to rais awareness of the problems with single-use disposable plastic and challenges people to do something about it. Australia’s oceans contain the richest, most diverse life on Earth. Such global significance brings a global responsibility. We have a privilege and a duty to manage our oceans wisely and with the future in mind.

A source of great hope

To chuck plastic into the ocean is an insult. To pay others to clean up our plastic is intollerable as David Attenborough says speaking in UK parliament about climate change.

Rainforest Facts

Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting it’s many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if they were cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.

Straw Facts:

Australians use about 10 million straws every day, or 3.5 billion a year.
Most are used just once – for around 15-30 minutes, after which they are thrown away!


Plastic Straws are the 12th most common item reported by Clean Up volunteers.


They represent 7.5% of all reported plastics – with 7,304 reported from rubbish recorded last Clean Up Day. That figure has doubled over the last two years. And they are everywhere – in our parks, picnic grounds, along streets, in and on our beaches.

We give back to our community

Wildlife Conservation Fund

We donate a percentage of sales to:

Australian Marine Conservation Society in support of their vital campaign to end plastic pollution.

Displacement Solutions in support of their One House, One Family project that builds homes for households affected by climate change in the Chittagong region of Bangladesh.

Rainforest Rescue in support of their campaign to regenerate Australia’s Daintree lowland rainforest.

Our Raw products minimise the impact of climate change and have a low carbon footprint. We assess how the product is made, where it is made, and what happens to it when you have finished using it.

Our straws can be recycled or upcycled when you’ve finished with them. Kids like to make things with the bamboo straws and they’re great to use for school projects. The wheat and paper straws can be composted and fed to your plants or veggies.

We partner with

Australian Marine Conservation Society to help end plastic pollution.
Rainforest Rescue to help revegetate the lowland Daintree Rainforest.
Displacement Solutions for it’s One House, One Family project in Bangladesh.